“Mum, where’s the TV?”: How Social Media is reshaping our lives

[Zihao Mai 450280991]


Do you still remember what was it like in the living room back in the #90s?

Close your eyes, Let’s travel back.

Back in the 90s, #television was pretty much the only screen in the living room. When the #TV was on, everyone just gathered around and watched it. We did not have smart phones in our hands to distract us. Such old days’ television audiences are considered passive audience, because it was only a one-way communication.

However, with the development of #social media and #mobile technology, we now have smart phones, tablets and laptops, which makes us a little bit preoccupied when watching TV. We become more active about receiving information. Instead of simply sitting in the living room, watching TV and reading the news, we are now actively looking for the information we need. With the help of social media platforms, we are engaged with the TV content while watching it. For instance, live TV Shows such as ‘Shark Tank’ asking TV audience to vote if this is a good investment on Twitter, and Drama show ‘Hawaii Five-O‘ allowing TV audience to choose their favorite ending in the live broadcasting time.

So, the question is do we need TV as much as we used to? Is #TV slowly dying? Will there be still a TV in our living room in the future?

What will the feature Story focus?

Therefore, this story proposal is to discuss and evaluate how current social media and digital technologies have shaped our roles and behaviors as an audience in terms of television industry.

What are the target online publications?

Mashable and Business Insider.

How is the feature story expected to be prepared and presented?

This feature story is expected to be made into a 3-5 minutes interview based documentary, which will follow a short article with relevant supporting information.

The equipment needed to shoot the footages is 2 cameras or 2 video phones, because this video will be expected to design as a simple 2-camera video. Therefore, this feature story will be presented as a combination of a video and short article.

What will the interview outline be?

Step 1: Design the questionnaire for the interviews

A detailed questionnaire is expected to be finished in the following weeks, and for now the possible questions shown will be as followed:

1, Do you think TV is dying?

2, Do you use your phone or laptop or any tablets when watching TV?

Step 2: Select the interviewees 

The interviewees are consisted of 3 different kind of groups, which are university students, experts in digital area, such as such as Dr Kathy Cleland at University of Sydney,  and staffs of sydney-based digital companies such as Thunder Metric.

Step 3: Pre-interview with the interviewees

Most interviewees will be visited without a camera first, just a short conversation to give them the gist of what Interview will be.

Step 4: Set interview dates and collecting the video

The interview dates will be set and the video will be collected and edited along with preparation for the article.

2 thoughts on ““Mum, where’s the TV?”: How Social Media is reshaping our lives

  1. I really love the beginning of your proposal, it seems that you are going to tell an old story. You absolutely right on the concept of social media and technology has changed our life; however, this is not a bad thing. With these platforms, TV companies can catch the audience’s taste and produce higher rating shows. I was so excited that you said that the story is going to be made as a video. It is a fantastic idea and just appropriate to your theme. I suggest you that may interview some middle-aged people who had only one attractive screen in a house in their childhoods and familiar with social media today. This group people might have a greater feeling of this transform and contribute to your subject.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the comment! I actually thought about interviewing some middle-aged people, but last minutes didn’t put it in the proposal because I couldn’t find a way to approach this age group people. If you know any ways, please let me know. Many thanks.


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