Lockout Laws – Robbing Sydney of Its Vibrancy

Name:Wen Cai  SID:450457135

Tag:#Sydney #Lockout Laws #Casino #Alcohol Rstrictions #Reclaim The Streets #Protest



On March 19, a protest festival “Reclaim The Streets” took place in Sydney. It protested against lockout laws and the Star casino which has been an exemption of the regulations. More than 10 thousand people joined, marching from Town Hall to the casino. The protest had a vibrant and relaxing atmosphere as people enjoyed drinks and live music, walking with their families and friends. It was celebrated like a big party instead of a serious protest.

The government of New South Wales launched new alcohol law to restrict the consumption of liquor at night time in CBD. Sydney has been the only major city in the world which has its lockout laws. The scheme aims to protect the public from violence and assaults related to alcohol. However, the Star casino has been an exemption of these lockout laws as it provided donation to the NSW government.

Angle and Structure

Part 1 – How was the protest? What outcome did it achieve?

I will start the feature with the description of the protest, providing a view of the situation visually by words and photos. This was a huge and interesting event in Sydney. People were attracted to join the crowd. The order was good as it was led by the police and crew members. Interviews of crew members and participants will be indicated in this part.

Part 2 – Why did the government launch lockout laws in Sydney? Argue that why casino can be an exemption.

The reason behind lockout laws in Sydney is due to the high violence rate and crime rate related to drinking problem. Statistics of crime and violence related to alcohol will be analyzed to debate whether Liquor Amendment Regulations and the Violent Venues List Scheme is necessary and effective. The reason why the casino can be get license of liquor will be discussed. The interview of  a spokesman for Liquor and Gaming NSW – the Liquor and Gaming Authority will be included.

Part 3 – How to balance between public nightlife and security problem?

This part will discuss how the regulations have influenced the city, whether it works negatively or positively. What fields does it influence – such as tourism, entertainment venue, bars and clubs, taxi etc. How does the government react to these changes? Will there be any emendation or improvement in the regulations?

Interview Subject

  • A spokesman for Liquor and Gaming NSW
  • James Robertson– A reporter of Sydney Morning who has followed up with news about lockout laws
  • Vicky Melson – The leader and crew member of Reclaim the Streets Organization.
  • Matt Gorty – A British man who has lived in Sydney for two years. He attended all the protests against lockout laws in Sydney. A firm advocate of the protest and an opponent to the lockout laws.

Target Publication and Audience

This feature aims to be published on online participatory journalism or social media platforms where have more speech freedom than mainstream media. In addition, blogs engage more young participants who are the target audience for this feature. The target audience are also citizens and tourists in Sydney who deeply care about this city as well as people who are passionate about music, entertainment and nightlife.

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