Racism on the rise in Australia



Keyword tags: #Racism  #Australia society  #Chinese  #immigrant

 At the moment, white people and other immigrants from other parts of the world consist of the main part of immigrants, which makes Australia becoming a typical multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. At the same time, immigrants from other regions also enjoy better treatment and higher social status, as well as this multi-cultural ideal appeared in the Australian national anthem. In this kind of social environment, Australia should be a high tolerance country with different races. In fact, racism is being gradually increasing in recent years, especially for new generation of Asian immigrants- Chinese.

Racism is listed in the section of social issues on Australian government official website. Dr Helen Szoke said: ‘Racism does exist in Australia. We know this is a fact. Our own complaints at the Australian Human Rights Commission tell us that’, Race Discrimination commissioner from Australian Human Rights Commission.


source: https://houseofgeekery.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/no-racism2.jpg

From the neutral angle to analyze:

In the context of economic globalization, due to countries were frequent exchanges and cultural communications are increasing, reasons of racism are turn to economy rather than merely prejudice and misunderstanding. From the view of economy, Chinese market brings profits to Australian economy, they accelerated the development of the Australian economy. Credit Suisse economists Hassan Tevfik and Damien Boey note that ‘the Chinese invest more than $5 billion a year in residential property in Australia, accounting for about 18 per cent of new supply in Sydney and 14 per cent in Melbourne’.

Although increasing number of Chinese provide more wealth and resources to the Australian market, their ways and habits are changing the Australians’ life, even they caused a threat and challenge to locals. Since a large number of Chinese people into Australia, they occupy a part of employ resources and living resources. This kind of Chinese acts are regarded as aggress Australian living space and social resources. For example, the consequences of Free Trade Agreements were that trade union issued a series of warnings about cheap Chinese labour undercutting Australians’ wages.

Therefore, some racism incident happened in Australia society, including some Chinese people suffered words and actions of racial discrimination, such as

‘Go back to China’: Australian police charge woman for racist train rant                           Racist tirade on Sydney bus rattles Chinese-Australian woman
Racist tirade by woman at Chinese-Australian couple taking lunch break in a Sydney park 


There are two types of people who are I want to interview.Chinese once suffered racial discrimination who I am going to interview. Chinese are discriminated by locals has always been a hot issue. I want to understand their feelings, views and claims.

Australians against racism which is an organization aims to counter destructive stereotyping of race and culture by actively promoting understanding and debate through the media, arts, education and the law. I want to understand the current situation of racial discrimination in Australia through interview the organization, know the current goals of their activities and projects.

My preferred online publication is The Sydney Morning Herald.


2 thoughts on “Racism on the rise in Australia

  1. Hi Yanxi, thank you for your post.
    I think this is a worth discussed topic in a modern, democratic society. You have talked about this issue from the reason of economy, my suggestion is you could also demonstrate your feature in the aspects of education, policy or law and culture. These may make your feature has a richer content in various directions. Also, you are supposed to be neutral on this topic, I appreciate that, however, you might be careful on your word expression in the feature as it is a sensitive topic.
    Warm regards,
    Xiaoyang Liu


  2. Dongsi Liu | 440462475

    Hi Yanxi,

    The topic of racism is always worth discussion, cause it continues to affect human relations. As a Chinese myself, I could see why you are interested in this topic.

    Racism is a global phenomenon which is influenced by a range of historical, political and economic factors. I appreciate that you try to explain why discrimination against Chinese is rising in recent years. But I have to say racism takes different forms in different contexts and as a result has been defined in many different ways. So economic factor is really only a part of it (just like April mentioned above).

    And to be honest, I think it is really hard to be neutral in fight against racism for anybody. For example, many Chinese believe that they have experienced racial discrimination, but some of them could be very personal or, it could be misunderstood sometimes because our language background is not English.

    So I would suggest you focus on some very typical or notorious cases in your interview, instead of some ‘random’ experiences. And maybe explore more about the development of racist policies and practices in Australia to be more objective and less emotional?

    Warm regards,


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