Discussion of racism on Australia

Keyword tags: #Racism  #Australia society  #Chinese  #immigrant

Australia, as an immigrant state, is frequently labeled of racism in recent years. What’s reason cause this phenomenon?

Arthur does the master in the university of Macquarie in Australia. he loved this country, because the environment and culture for learning and life.

One day, he was smoking outside the shopping mall with friends (it was marked as smoking area). A female dressed in uniform came to told Arthur and his friends they can not smoke in this area.

‘I immediately stubbed his cigarette, I thought there might be some rule I didn’t know even though it is labeled ‘smoking area’, Arthur said.

At the same time, there were a few white people with smoking next to Arthur. ‘the staff ignored these white people, and gone’ Arthur said. He was very unhappy to be discriminatory treated.

Arthur expressed that he never experienced racism before that, and the only way to know this are from media.

Chinese (immigrants and international students), as a main part of extraneous population of Australia, is the main objective of discussion in the topic of racism.


Chinese people waiting for the train in Eastwood station     Photo by: Yanxi Li

Historical, geographical, cultural… when we are careful to distinguish the internal factors of racism, what is the primary cause leading to racism? Maybe due to cultural diversity lead to different behavior.

After several-year development, immigrants from all around the world, headed by white people, flocked to Australia where is becoming a typical multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country.

As an immigrant nation, Australia is very tolerant to different races. In fact, since the reports from the media, the problem of racism is often concerning by the public.

We can consider of these reasons:

The first one is related to real estate. For example, in Sydney, due to overseas buyers are flooded with Australia real estate market, many communities have built a large number of real estate: Asian people are mainly part of buyers, especially Chinese.

In recent years, there are many examples related to Chinese investors who spent a lot of money to buy property in Australia. According to analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics and Foreign Investment Review Board data by Credit Suisse showed in 2014: $24 billion was spent by Chinese buyers on Australian housing in the past seven years.

Many natives think that is one of the reasons causing house prices rising. Objectively speaking, housing prices has brought huge life pressure, including increasing rent and housing price for ordinary people who are living in Australia.

Therefore, the phenomenon of Chinese people who crazy to buy houses leads to rising housing prices, which maybe become the reason why Australian have a negative impression of Chinese.

However, these voices are dismissed by a senior Turnbull government minister recently, Trade Minister Steve Ciobo indicated that some Chinese buyers were not foreign nationals, but rather Chinese Born-Australians or immigrants.

house prices were “absolutely not” contributed by overseas buyers, Ciobo said.

In the context of economic globalization and cultural exchange, the second reason of racism is related to economy.

On one hand, Chinese investors contributed to economic development of Australia.

When a large number of Chinese come to Australia, their industrious attitude and willing to do hard work was welcomed by employers. But in some Australians’ opinions, this is an aggressive action: Chinese occupy their living space. Under the influence of competitive pressure, some local people have the speech and behavior of racism to Chinese.

Some Chinese people suffered words and actions of racism in Australian society, for some examples:

On Sydney train, a woman verbally abuse at young children and an Asian woman ‘Go back to China’.

A Chinese-Australian couple was shouted by a white woman in a central Sydney park.

Although these events of racism are just examples, media reports will make people produce a stereotype: white people have a racism for Chinese.

On the other hand, we discuss behaviors of some Chinese. In the aspect of employment: Chinese employers often give a very low wage, and they prefer to compensate by cash for tax evasion and save cost. Chinese employees does not care these terms and accept these works, especially Chinese international students.


The street all of Chinese restaurant, Eastwood     Picture by: Yanxi Li

These actions make most of Australians lost a lot of competitiveness who comply with minimum wage under law in Australia.

For example, trade union issued a series of warnings about cheap Chinese labor undercutting Australians’ wages.

In terms of some Chinese who live in Australia, we can find some reasons: such as legal consciousness and poor public awareness, some Chinese behavior has brought negative impact to local people’s living.

Racism is listed in the section of social issues on Australian government official website. Dr Helen Szoke said: ‘Racism does exist in Australia. We know this is a fact,’ from Australian Human Rights Commission.

Racism involved a person be treated unfairly or viciously because their race, color, national or belief. Racism is a negative phenomenon, it should be taken seriously, and be reduced in the society.

In 1966, International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) were signed by Australia, and ICERD were ratified in 1975. Also in 1975, Australia passed the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA). At the same time, Australia added commissioners for RDA, the work functions of commissioners were still increasing in 2011.

Interviewee: Sissi Xiao

Get rid of these efforts of government, we can discuss some individual attitude to racism.

We could appeal to people who had been suffered racism, do not be afraid and learn to protect themselves.

We could appeal to foreigners who came to Australia, when they decided to live, travel or study here, please respect all elements of this country: such as humanities, culture and law.

Overall, in a diverse society, we share a common humanity, all of rights should be respected and equal used.


4 thoughts on “Discussion of racism on Australia

  1. [Zihao Mai 450280991]


    Overall, I enjoy the reading very much, and you made some interesting points. Here are some suggestions that might improve the way it delivers.

    1, Relevant photos might be better if it is presented at the beginning of article rather than in the middle of story, which can draw a reader’s attention in their first sight. Online readers might give up the article due to paragraphs of words at the beginning.

    2, It is provided with some interesting hyperlinks. However, some of hyper words might be too long. It is better to keep hyper words between two or three words.

    3, The video presented at the end might be able to deliver a stronger and better message if it is placed at the beginning of the story. In addition, it is better if it is videotaping horizontally because it is better for online viewings. Also, the video is kind of shaking which is difficult for online reader to watch it through.


  2. Hi Yanxi,
    You earned me as a reader of this story when I first saw the headline. I like your topic, racism in Australia and I like your setting of characters, Chinese people living in Australia. As a Chinese living in Sydney myself, I’ve always wondered if the situation of racism exists here and if it does, how serious is the problem.

    I like how you open the story with a specific scene, it built up an image in my mind. Nevertheless, when you first mention Arthur in the story, I hope you could point out his nationality, throughout the story, what I can get from the text is that Arthur might be a non-white person and even this is through guessing. Hope I did not get it wrong, haha.

    Meanwhile, I know it’s a bit late but considering that the reasons behind this issue is part of your report, I suggest next time, when you do reports of this kind, you consult people from a professional background. personally, I just think that conclusion drawn from their words might be more credible and will made the report more profound.

    But individual experiences do matters as well, good job on that.

    These are just 2 small suggestions I made for you, it doesn’t overlap with Zihao’s suggestion.

    Anyway, hope I’m helpful : )


  3. Hi, Yanxi
    Thank you for your post.
    As I have made comment on your last assignment, I found you have accepted advice others give you, like pick specific angle to express your topic. Racism is always a controversial topic in a migrate country like Australia. Also your storytelling feature is very impressive, it would raise awareness in the public, especially the Chinese community in Australia. The visual tool you use in your feature makes the text vivid.
    My suggestion is you could use more data or cases to support your argument, it will make your article stronger. For example, you could add some opinion from person who work in this field, their opinions are more convincing, like Lin Chen said that the discussion behind this issue would become clear and creditable.

    That is my suggestion for your feature, hope it’s helpful !


  4. Hi, Yanxi

    Thanks for your post.

    The title is really attractive and worth concerning especially for us Chinese students. This is also a brave choice as I think many people may consider this topic valuable but too complicated to explore.

    You start to discuss the big racism problem by telling a small story happened in Macquarie, which is a really good way to attract readers’ attentions and raise their awareness about the racial issues. Then you detail the possible reasons behind this phenomenon from both the Australian and Chinese angles. Finally, you also give some suggestions for those who suffer from this problem. You have a tight structure. And you use diverse ways (text, images, and the video) to present your feature.

    While you should also notice the following problems:
     1.The expression should be improved. Check your grammar more carefully.
     2.The video should be filmed in landscape rather than portrait.
     3.The images you insert should be more relevant to the story. For example, you can take a picture in a certain smoking area or use a picture of the China town.

    These are my suggestions, hope it helpful!


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