Professional or rookie? It doesn’t matter – Fu linfang’s life as a vlogger.

Lin Chen | 440555788

Tags: #vlogger #vlogging #fu linfang #social media #bilibili

14th February 2016.

Streets are full of love birds holding hands together, shops are crowded with gentlemen buying flowers for their beloved ones, even the smell of chocolates is flowing everywhere.


Because it is one of the most romantic days in a year, the valentine’s day.

While in Tintagel way, there is a house, inside this house, there is a men staring at the screen, watching a man, which seems to be himself, in video, cooking a meal,  without chocolate and without a valentine.  

Is he lonely? Surprisingly, no, he is not lonely.


Because he’s a vlogger, he has thousands of valentines online. Oh, I mean,  thousands of friends he considers as lovely as valentines online.

Vlogger Fu linfang

This man is ‘Fu Linfang’, an English vlogger, who lives in UK, shoots video for Chinese audiences, on Chinese social media platforms like Weibo, Bilibili, Youku and Sohu.

A few days before 14th February, Fu Linfang cooked himself a meal, recorded the process of cooking. Then on the night of 13th February, he uploaded the video to those Chinese social media.

After a long nice sleep, on the morning of valentine’s day, when he opened his laptop on the bed, with messy eyes,  he received tons of comments from his fans under that video. By that time, even as a single man, alone in his bedroom, on valentine’s day, he felt cared and loved by others.

“To me, they’re friends more than fans” says Fu linfang.

Vlogging has become a part of Fu linfang’s life. He uploads video every single day, reads every comments and messages under his video, does livestream on social media, he even creates groups on instant messaging apps like Wechat and QQ to talk with his fans, to listen to the suggestions his fans has for him.

Fu linfang started this whole vlogging thing by making videos about teaching English. He used to live in China, back then, a lot of people came to him, asked him to teach them English on Wechat. Then instead of answering questions one by one, Fu linfang started to make videos to answer those question all in once.

Later, when he came back to England, he continues making videos.

Time pass by, more and more people watch his video and he started to make videos in other genres

(Fu linfang doing other genres of video including gaming video, culture difference video, language video, react video, cooking and travel video, click here to check the full video, source: 

Fu linfang says, different types of videos take different preparations, but in general, being a vlogger doesn’t need high technology. For him, he just uses his phone, his laptop and, occasionally, when he is shooting for travel video, his camera, and then, most important of all, his brain.

Most of my video starts with an idea, then I write down the idea, come back to it on another day, write down more ideas and jokes, create a script, write tips about how to film, then the next day,,says Fu Linfang go do it, it’s an easy 4 step process.

The equipment is easy, the process is easy, as long as comes up with ideas.

捕获_副本Fu linfang making vlog in 4 simple steps, source: Lin Chen

For Fu linfang, sometimes ideas come to him gradually, sometimes ideas come from his fans. In the future, Fu linfang wants to move out of the small town his living now so that he’ll have more things to film and his life itself could be interesting enough to present in his video.  

But is it for real that with an interesting life or an interesting mind is a potential vlogger?

A professional Vlogger?

Well, sadly, I’m afraid the answer is no.

Take Fu Linfang as example, in some way, he considers himself to be a professional vlogger. Which means not as a rookie, not a someone with a little bit interesting going on in his life.

“I earns money by doing it.” Fu linfang says. “I does promotions and  the advertisers on video platforms like Youku and Sohu would pay me to have their ads appearing in my video.”

However, dose that really counts for “professional”?

 Dr Jonathon Hutchinson from Sydney University points out, a professional vlogger needs to have media productions skills. Besides knowing how to shoot and edit video, a professional vlogger should also understand his audience, be good at using his language and know how to communicate with audience well.

Dr. Hutchinson says “a professional vlogger is a vlogger of vloggers”.

Usually, among those professional vloggers, there are 2 models of working as Dr. Hutchinson said. One is vloggers working with vloggers to achieve massive audiences. Two is vloggers partner up with organisations, brands, services and so on to increase their visibility and exposure.

Judging by that, perhaps, Fu linfang as a lone wolf, is still a semi-professional vlogger?

Fu linfang says, one of the greatest part about vlogging, is that “I don’t lose control over things and I’m making things that I’m proud of.

I guess, in the end, professional or rookie, it doesn’t really matter.

Vlogging, for Fu linfang, is all about sharing life, making friends and doing thing’s that he felt proud of.

Vlogging is just a work full of possibilities.

For those who wants to share their life as a vlogger, just be brave, vlogging isn’t rocket science.

For those vloggers who has an ambition for massive audiences, then,  be ready, for change and for collaboration.

Feature story about Vlogger: Recording? No. Living — A life of vlogger

Name: Lin Chen       SID:440555788

Tags: #vlogger #life style #social media #Bilibili #Fulinfang



Self-recording and self-publishing are trending online! Take Australia and Youtube as example, a 2014 report  from The Daily Telegraph writes: ‘AUSTRALIAN YouTube channels now rank in the top two per cent of channels globally, with more than 50 boasting 200,000-plus views.’ Among those group of recorders and publishers, some of them evolves to what we now call ‘Vlogger’.

But is it only Australia and Youtube are showing that trend?

Probably not.

This time, I am going to write a feature story about vlogger. To be specific, a feature story that would reveal the life of a vlogger or should I say, a ‘professional’ vlogger. Then the story would  move to discuss the potential of vlogger being as a profitable career in the future.

The headline might be: Recording? No. Living —  A life of vlogger. Which means that Vlog isn’t just an action of recording but more important, a choice of life and a way of living. And it also indicates the story’s preference on unveiling the life of a ‘professional vlogger’.

Source of interview

By interviewing the English vlogger ‘Fulinfang’, this feature story would try to draw a picture of modern times vlogger and show the readers how life could be chang when one becomes a vlogger.

Then to dig the topic further, this feature story would present reasons for the rise of vlogger. Then go mention about the potential of vlogger keep being a profitable career in the future by interviewing the media professionals.

Initial structure design

Ideally, the whole story would be broke into 2 sections.

          1. The life of a vlogger —- use Fulinfang as an example.

           In terms of the presentation of text, first, regarding the overall structure, I’m thinking about a form that’s close to script writing. For example:

           6.30 am    London

           Fulingfang wakes up and starts his day.

           . . .

           Second, in order to make the story more interesting, I’ll insert parts like aside into this section. For example, after depicting Fulingfang’s action, I might include parts in which he explains the meaning of the action or some fun facts about it or just some old memories that’s related to the situation.

            This part would definitely includes pictures and videos. But the specific display is not decided yet.

           2. Vlogger as a profitable career in the present and in the future

           For this part, I’m thinking about using the inverted pyramid structure to sort out the order of importance.

Target audience and Online publication

‘Fulinfang’ is an English vlogger who’s active on Chinese social media. He’s currently focusing on delivering content related to the difference between English and Chinese society using English and Chinese. One of his most common use social media is the video sharing platform called ‘Bilibili’ in China. Which means the majority of his viewers are Chinese.

Judging from the above research on the target interviewee and the previous background research, there might be 3 types of potential audience.

  1. Social media users in China who’s into ‘Fulinfang’ or English culture.
  2. People around the world who’s interested in vlogging and the real life conditions of vloggers.
  3. People who’s into managing social media accounts or websites or generally speaking, a career related to the areas online for audience from another country on their own.

In order to reach the potential audience, a few publications are under consideration:

  1. If the feature story is delivered in the form of video, the publication might be Youtube and Bilibili.
  2. If the feature story is delivered in a combined form of texts, pictures and video, the publication might be Vlog Nation.

Comparative Online Journalism Analysis: Part One

Name: Lin Chen   SID: 440555788


Topic: Facebook’s new feature – Facebook Live

Site:  New York Times (

Headline: Facebook Live, Annoying and Intrusive, Seems to Be Paying Off



Facebook is a huge thing now. Being as one of the most popular visited social media platform with billions of users, theoretically, any kind of change that appears on it should matter to a great deal of people. Yet this report, even with a very informative and contradictory headline, somehow, still made the latest feature on Facebook seems boring, less important and unclear to some extent.

One of the major problem with this report is probably the lack of significance on its news worthiness but still, I think there’s room for improvement.

First of all, considering that Facebook Live is a new function presented by a social media platform, to bring out its significance I suggest to invite more interaction from the user group and if luckily, to form a sort of conversation that would extend to other social media platforms. Several ideas I have in mind are:

  1. Create a commentary section to invite people to contribute on this specific topic.
  2. Link people from Facebook to this news story and vice versa.
  3. By inviting people’s opinion in, change the presentation to a kind of “updateable” way with timeline to display how Facebook Live is improving and how attitudes around it are changing. I believe that opinions from user side would also be useful in terms of reflecting whether Facebook Live is paying off.

At the same time, I suggest to use sub-heading and chunk different sections for this report contains mainly 3 aspects of information. One, what is Facebook Live. Two, the advantages. Three, the problems.

Meanwhile, the choose of the pictures in this report is a little unpleasant and  I suggest to find more appropriate ones. Most of the images in this particular report are screen-captured from mobile devices which I think made the report looks even more “less important”. 

The last advice is related to the use of hyperlinks. Some of the hyperlinks are displayed by long phrase more than 4 words and I suggest to shorten them.

6 die in cyclone in Solomon Island

Yesterday in Honiara 6 people were killed by cyclone Victor  and it left 100 people homeless, caused 18 people injured and destroyed more than 20 houses. Police say that of the six people who died, three men drowned when their car was blown off the road into a river, and two women and a man were killed by flying debris.


It starts at when Nadi Weather Center sent the warning of the approaching cyclone Victor to Solomon Island government. Immediately, the government set emergency plan in operation, they broadcasted the warning on radio and alerted the police to warn the public.Hours later, winds in the capital city Honiara hit more than 140 kilometres per hour and finally vanished about midday. At present,  Honiara is operating the mopping-up in city.